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2014-06-30 15:45:21   来源:教育之声网   

  Suggestions for improvement:

  · Localization of MBA projects, especially focus on the establishment of our own case bank.

  · Market-orientation. China is in great need of executives who are technically sound in the fields of IT, finance, and accounting and who have a thorough command of management theories and good communication skills and strategic viewpoints.

  · More attention should be drawn to the education of CTOs and CFOs besides the traditional education of CEOs.

  · In China, apart from CTOs, we are in great need for CFOs, those who knows the operation of capital markets as well as the general management knowledge because the biggest challenges for enterprises in China are how to finance a company and how to handle the risky capital markets.

  Q: What is CFO and the related responsibilities?

  A: CFO is the abbreviated form of Chief Financial Officer, who is the most important and valuable position of management in modern enterprises besides CEO.

  · Responsibilities for CFO: handle various financial relations especially relations with the investors (investment financing), with governments (taxation, and bond supervision), and strategic business planning, and human resources management.

  A CFO will direct the department of planning, department of finance, department of operational management, department of ERP and department of H.R.

  In other words, CFO is responsible for all the departments except departments of production and sales.

  We should lay more emphasis on the education and training of CFO.

  · Relationship between CEO and CFO

  CEO is the one who make decisions on the long-term objectives or missions for a company, while CFO is the one who make those ambitions and long-term planning into concrete, operable strategies especially the financial strategies. And not only that, CFO is the person who actually assess the fulfillment of the objectives. So the harmonious cooperation between CEO and CFO in a company is critical. 

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